Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth of July!

It's the Fourth of July, U.S. Independence Day, and Trevor and I are spending most of it inside, watching the World Cup. And U.S.A. is out of the competition. This is sad for us, and for all real Americans.

So, to ensure that we are still properly patriotic today, even in our period of soccer mourning when we are forced today to root for Germany and Brazil, here is a blog to celebrate these United States.

I made this wreath and it's hanging on our front door. Nothing says U.S.A.! better than crafts (FYI: supplies not purchased at Hobby Lobby because they are American failures--nay, embarrassments.)

Last month I went to Springfield for an awards banquet and invited my mom to come along. While we were there we visited the Abraham Lincoln Museum, and there's nothing more patriotic than a man who inspired dissent between political parties, and who wore a big silly hat.

I don't pull off the hat nearly as well as old Abe did. And Mom knows it but is too nice to laugh.

Here's me with the Lincolns. They were really nice.

And in March, Trevor actually met Lincoln! They talked politics, music, and haberdashery.

Can I touch your hat? No? Okay.

 Ice cream cones are also patriotic, especially when they're covered in jimmies.


And there you have it. We hope that all of you are also celebrating Independence Day the best way you know how, whether that involves barbecues, ice cream, silly hats, crafts, and even soccer.

(And if you don't care about the World Cup but like laughing, read the Slate article, Who Won the World Cup of Arm-Folding? It's LOL-worthy.)

Happy Fourth!

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