Well, it's been a good month since our last post, and we've had a few developments, most namely in the house. Hopefully you've checked out the photo of Henry standing stately in front of a wall of blue tiles...which are our NEW SHOWER TILES!! Whahooooo! They're finished, they're blue, and we love them! We got a new shower curtain, and all we need to do is paint, get a new sink and cabinet, and clean up the floors. Still a lot, but the biggest job is done, and I'm so happy! Jenn and Jeremy helped us out (i.e. did 98% of the work [Trevor chiseled out all of the old tiles, and I cleaned the mortar and the grout from the tiles...everything else was Liming-Evans work]). It looks great, and we'll have more pictures of the "finished" room hopefully in the weeks to come!
Speaking of the Liming-Evanses, they got their Jeep stolen about a month ago, but it was recovered this week! Apparently it'd been used to steal computers, so they've got a bit of fixing up and cleaning to do, but it still works and they're privately mobile again!
News from the Borkster wedding front, I'm officially a bridesmaid (exciting!) and am going to meet my future sister-in-law to try on the dress. It's a lovely dress (wait till you see Paula's gown, though, she's going to knock Greg out!) but it's strapless which means a tattoo unveiling will occur before the wedding to prepare Grandma Bosco so she doesn't pass out at the church. She already would "love me a little more if [I] took out the nose-ring," so I'm curious to hear her reaction to the tattoo. But my cousin Michael just got the family crest on his upper arm, so who's to say what her reaction will be!? She might want one of her own! Well, that might be a bit far-fetched, but you never know...
We used our rooftop grill for the first time ever on Sunday! We made veggie burgers and it was terrific. As soon as the weather gets a little bit warmer, we'll have a bbq up there and invite you all! We're thinking the middle or end of May; we'll let everyone know.
Trevor hasn't had to go to Atlanta for the past couple of weeks, which is really nice. He got to visit my kickball game last night, which made him realize how much I need to practice and how much he'd like to be on the team. I hope he'll play in the summer league. Henry's a bit of a hyper-active mascot, though. He spent most of the game trying to get at the big yellow kickball through the fence, and the rest of it eating sticks. Not much of a cheerleader, but we'll work on it.
That's about it from the Bork-Power camp! I'll keep you more up to date as the week continues...until then, True Believers, happy End of April!