Monday, August 4, 2014

The Blog is Moving!

Greetings, readers!

After much hemming and hawing on my end, I've finally made the decision to move our blog over to a new site hosted by WordPress.


YES! That's right.

You can now find us at Lake Projects (

Our content will change just a little bit--a bit more writing about books and t.v. (I'm currently working on an Orange is the New Black Post, so if you're a fan, I hope you'll like it [and if you're not a fan because you've never seen it, check it out because it's really good (and if you're not a fan because you don't like it, read the book, because it's excellent)]--but we'll still have posts about Roo and laziness and our family and macaroni and cheese.

Let us know what you think of it, and spread the word!

Camp Crystal Lake