Mom and Dad Bork just got back from the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, and they had a wonderful time. Mom made another new friend (remember Honest Abe a few months ago? This guy's even better!)

They saw Hamlet (wonderful!), Cabaret (excellent!), and an adaptation of Moby Dick (interesting...) that turned out to be a ballet (hmph. now that's just odd.). But the trip was an overall success, which is the most important part. The plays, the shopping, and the food were all great.
It's also PAULA BORK'S BIRTHDAY today, and she's celebrating tonight with a dinner. We couldn't make it because of the Henry Tail situation (we've been invited to hang out on a boat tomorrow afternoon for the Air and Water show, and we had to miss that, too). He'll finally get his stitches out on Thursday evening, so we'll be in the clear of our 24-hours-of-every-day-for-two-weeks-with-Henry vacation. I love him, but sometimes we just want to go to the movies. Or dinner. Or on a boat. So in the meantime, he's posed for us to make us remember how ridiculously adorable he is.