A couple of weeks ago, Mom and I went to the Container Store (it's so nice to have them in the city--we popped over to North and Clybourn for breakfast and then a bit of organizational shopping, and neither of us had to brave the highway!). Both of us got these plastic earring holders, and that evening, this is what I did:
I forgot to blog last time about two very important things:
1. Mom and Dad Bork are now city dwellers!
I'm sure you got that from the statement I made earlier, but as I typed it I realized that I'd completely forgot to show you pictures from Moving Day (July 1). So here are a few that don't really showcase their new digs, but do show Mom putting the first things in her cupboards. Which is very exciting.
That last one is a little blurry, but blurry is just how we felt seven hours of unpacking and breaking down boxes. As I said, these photos don't do the space justice; the boxes are all gone now and you can enjoy the beautiful floors, windows, furniture, and view. More pictures will come next time I remember.
2. Two Fridays ago, my cousin Erica came down from Park Ridge to join me at Edelman Gallery's opening (T's new gallery, and if you haven't checked out their website, check it out! Now!). After snooping around their terrific new show and some other openings in the 'hood, Erica and I had dinner at Oggi and then I showed her our roof deck before escorting her home. Here are some shots from the roof:
That's about it from our camp. Thursday is my last class for the summer semester, and I just have to read some revised student stories and then turn in their grades by next Friday. I've been busy the past couple of weeks getting together a mailing we're doing for Faculty Development to announce the faculty workshop in August. But that's going out (finally) this week, so now I can concentrate on other things. Like the next workshop in January! Ha!
I'll have about a week off in early August with little to do but read, watch horror movies, and hang out with Henry. I'm really looking forward to it, and will update you on my laziness with relish.
Until then...