Tonight is the last performance of
Cabaret at McHenry County College. Tonight will be our eleventh performance, and the second weekend that has been completely sold out--and not just sold out, but there's been a waiting list and seats added in the aisles and on the far sides of the house.
The beautiful cast of this perfectly marvelous show (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
And I can foresee that I'm going to be emotional tonight during this final show tonight. I just woke up from an extremely unpleasant stress dream depicting our final show: We were given a final scene that none of us had rehearsed before; I couldn't stop crying; the audience was talking during the show, and Jay, our director (wearing a spectacular white and gold-trimmed suit) came out during the performance to scold them; and we'd forgotten to do my hair, so I was totally unprepared. I think this means that I am not looking forward to the show ending.
this post is not to get all mushy about how much I've loved this experience and how wonderful the cast, crew, and musicians are, and how much I'm going to miss them. That will be a post for Monday.
This post is just to show off some of the great still photos, so that, if you weren't able to make the show, you can get a little taste of MCC's
Cabaret. Photographers
Brian Bieschke (the son of a wonderful employee in the marketing & PR department [she's also a member of the creative writing club], Donna), and
Lindsay Tullar took terrific pictures during and after performances, so thank you to both of them!
Here are some shots from rehearsal:
Willkommen! (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Frenchie (Trace) lures Cliff (Gary) with a song (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Jay (as Earnst) sits down with Cliff (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Beedleedeededee, two ladies--try to get that out of your head (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Really, the pineapple is the star of the show (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
A chummy view of tomorrow (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Money makes the world go 'round (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
This is who's hiding under the gorilla suit (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
This is my Cabaret face (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
And here are pictures from the show itself:
So. Good. Thank you, Bill, for being so. good. (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
They're all virgins--I swear! (courtesy of Belle Vue Artistry) |
Oh, no, my idea is totally on the up and up. Really. It's legit. I swear. (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Oh, you poor suckers sitting in the front row aisle seats--are you in for a surprise. (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
This is my first day of school outfit. (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Gary, get my bags. Now. (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Prairie Oyster (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Haaaaahaaaaaaaa!!!! (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Kickline! (courtesy of Belle Vue Artistry) |
Moneeeeee (courtesy of Belle Vue Artistry) |
And now you know who's under there! (courtesy of Brian Bieschke) |
Cliff gets pummeled. (courtesy of Belle Vue Artistry) |
Once we close tonight and strike the set, and once I have a full day of sleep to rest and process everything, I'll post something more significant. And, most likely, more sappy.