Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Surprise Presents!

My office-mate, Katrine, saw this apron over the weekend and thought of me. It's pretty fantastic. I wore it tonight to serve me and Trevor up some pizza slices (Henry looks distressed because he was not offered any pizza. I think he's considering eating my toes in retaliation.). Next time I'm having people over, I'll throw it on over something pretty (prettier than jeans) and french looking.

What's funny is that around the time Katrine was getting me this awesome apron, I was at P.O.S.H. (one of the greatest places to buy...anything in Chicago!), saw this little trinket hanging on the wall, and thought of her! She likes religious iconography, so this carved wooden cross covered in Mexican milagro charms is perfect for her (there are a couple of cats on this one, which is why she got it).

So we did a spontaneous gift exchange, which turned out to be fitting because she'll be moving into a single office down the hall at the end of the month (July, not June). They're sort of "good-bye for now, it's been nice rooming with you," presents. Either great minds think alike or eleven months is the time when the brains of two people who spend a lot of time in the same small space start to meld. Meeellldd. I guess it's best that she's getting out before we start dressing in identical sweater-sets.

Tomorrow morning, the elder Borks are FINALLY MOVING DOWNTOWN! Just as a reminder, this is what their condo looked like last July. I'll have pictures tomorrow afternoon of the "final" product. Though I doubt Mom will let me take too many until they've unpacked. They've been living in that fantastic hotel in the A.H. for three whole months, and I think it's safe to say that they're anxious to do a few things in their new home (make a pot of coffee, sit in a comfortable chair, use an oven, not have to eat a continental breakfast with 87 Alabaman tourists...). We'll let you know how they settle in.

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