Well, it's been about a week since our last post (I'm not counting the one that Trevor so rudely stole from Sara and Michael...) and a few things have happened.
We DID, indeed, go to the theater with the Hunters, which was a lot of fun, and I got to see a theatrical adaptation of stories by one of my favorite authors, Haruki Murakami. It was quite a fantastic experience, though one that's not for everyone (Trevor wasn't as thrilled about it as I was). Holding true to Murakami's style of magical realism, the adaptation included a giant frog (aptly named "Frog") who has to do battle with an earthquake-causing worm that lives under the surface of Tokyo. Hmmmmm. Interesting, right? Riiiighhht. But, if you're into that sort of thing, it's terrific and you'll have a great time.
We're also thinking about planning a trip to visit some friends in Portland this summer, which would be great for us, especially since Trevor keeps throwing out the idea of moving to the Northwest. So we'll see how he likes it, and we'll get to see Brenda and Derek at the same time!
I OFFICIALLY finished Anna Karenina last week, and, man, what a draining book. Not just the length, because it's a really fast-moving story, but the "railroad scene" as my mom so delicately put it, was a bit hard to handle. The fun thing was that "Frog" in the Murakami play referenced it, causing me to laugh out loud quite inappropriately during the show. Such is life. At least I wasn't a theater candy crinkler (ahem, mrs. bork...). I haven't written my thank-yous for all of my literacy supporters, but they're on the way, except to Linda, who's leaving TODAY for Equador. We'll miss her for the next couple of months, and when she gets back, she'll get a big hug and a really belated card. Again, such is life (as a procrastinator).
Henry got a bath this weekend, too, which is nice for everyone. Well, the product is nice for everyone; the doing is a bit slippery for Trevor, who had the honor of giving this particular bath while I was at work on Saturday. But now we've got a squeaky clean pup, which is great. And he looks even more handsome, if that's possible. It's not. We'd be blind if he was more handsome than he is. (I'm a ridiculously braggarting dog-mom, I know, and I don't care. you all know he's one handsome fella.)
Trevor and I shopped for tile this weekend, too, but found that the tiles we really like are a WHOLE lotta dough. So we're going to shop around a bit more, pushing the project further and further still into the new year. But if we can make the shower lovely without breaking the bank, it would be nice. We'll see, and we'll keep you all posted with further, truly exciting developments. We DID get a drill, though, which is so exciting in it's own right, so we got to hang my knives (Christmas gift from Trevor) and our cute little Mac airport (we FINALLY hooked up the DSL, so we're online at home, too!), and we'll have it on hand for other hanging projects. Quite fun.
Well, that's all the news that's fit to print about the Bork-Powers now. Until further installments....