Welcome to the Bork-Power blog!
This is our first entry, and what a first-entry topic we have! Henry, our dog, is officially famous. Today he appeared in a Home Depot photo shoot at Trevor's studio. He sat when told, got on his belly when told, but most impressively, he stayed put when told. It's a miracle, really, that he didn't turn into his usual flying noodle of a self and take a header at the camera to lick the lens.
We're still getting on track with all of our home renovations. This week we're hoping to get the tile for our shower stall, and then our friends Jenn and Jeremy will help us to put it in. Jeremy's a trained professional, so there's no need to worry. Well, I'm still worried, but only because it will be 3 days without a shower and our house might get a little stinky. We may be calling select friends and family to get in on a free bath...
And I "finished" my Readathon for Literacy Chicago! I started Anna Karenina about 3 weeks ago, and while I still have 174 pages to go (out of 811), I raised $12 over my goal for a whopping $252! I am very happy about this and thrilled about and thankful to everyone that pledged to support this terrific cause. It's going to be an annual fundraiser for the organization, so I'll surely be hitting you all up for more money next year. Maybe I'll read something a little less Russian next time, though...
We made some new pals at a party on Saturday night, and if we play our cards right, we're going to be a part of their knitting club! It's more up our alley than it sounds, really. Apparently there's beer drinking involved, and everyone brings their own vinyl to play. Perfect! High Life, Led Zeppelin, and knitting needles: maybe not the best combination, but we'll take precautions. Speaking of vinyl, our record player doesn't seem to be pumping out the jazz through the new speakers like we were hoping it would. It might be a needle problem, or we might need a new turntable. We'll keep you posted, because I'm sure our record playing is the most fascinating thing about this post. Oh, it's not. Too bad. It's fascinating to us.
Well, hope all is well on the other side of this blog. We'll keep you updated on all things new and wonderful in the Trevor-Laura-Henry-Martin world. And, as my boss recently pointed out, I do play pet favorites, so for those of you who don't know, [or who think we've gotten rid of him, Kate] Martin is our cat. He's kind of a jerk, but he has his cuddly moments...which usually turn into bitey moments. And he sure doesn't play catch as well as Henry. And, he can't read, so there's no way he'll know that Henry is the favorite. Unless of course, Literacy Chicago turns to feline literacy...that would be bad news.
Bye, for now!
1 comment:
yall are great...even though you're thieves.
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