The weekend was chock-full of pre and post party events. I cooked most all of the day on Saturday in preparation of feeding 30-something people at our barbecue Saturday night. The party, a fundraiser to get together some $$ for my 20-mile walk in August, was a huge success! The attendees contributed a total of $579, which is so generous and fabulous for just one night! Though we narrowly avoided a near-hurricane early in the evening and we had to shepherd everyone down to our tiny house while the storm passed. It never actually rained on our buliding, even though we saw the wall-o-rain headed our way from the south. Who knows, maybe the gods knew we were trying to have a party for a good cause... I wanted to thank everyone who came for being so generous, and for eating and drinking, and just having a good time! The clean-up afterwards wasn't bad, either, which is always the worst thing about a party, so we were very happy about that! Although the recovery process took me all day (I slept until about 4...) and finally got rid of my post-party headache after dinner with Mom and Dad Bork to celebrate father's day. Delicious tapas. And I gave Dad a book on Patton I'd found at the Printers Row Book Fair, so hopefully he'll find some interesting tidbits in there on his favorite general!
Trevor spent his between-party-preparation time watching World Cup games, of which I hear there were a few good ones! Ghana did very well, and the U.S. tied someone else...he'll have the details. But while I was chopping up onions and peppers for the salad on Saturday afternoon, he kept shouting "GOOAALLLL!" which tipped me off that he was watching some exciting matches.
I got the scoop on the Power's recent trip to Ireland, and it sounded great--beautiful weather and time spent with the Power clan and Fran said they got to almost everything on their sight-seeing list, which is quite an accomplishment! And Mr. Power is starting a new job next month, which he's happy about, and he's got some time off during which he's going to start working on our bookshelves (yahoo!) and visit Rachel and Letty down in Florida, which all sounds very pleasant if I do say so myself.
So, now I have to get rid of a cold I caught over the weekend, and go kick some homeruns at our kickball tournament tonight! Until we meet again, this is Bork Power signing off!
(to see more pictures, check out Laura's Photos!)