Was the song we were singing as we rolled up to the Cicero Stadium to watch the first bout of the Windy City Rollers' new season. Our friend Kelli is on the Double Crossers (her name is "Terra Fye") and they kicked some major butt. It was great. We'd never been to a roller derby bout before, and man, those ladies were flying! They cruised around this flat rink trying to knock out each other's Jammers (the girls that score) before they could make it to the top of the pack. The Double Crossers were winning at half-time and Trevor and I decided to call it a night. We wanted to get back home to Henry, and it's a school night after all!
Trevor spent Saturday and Sunday hanging out with his brother Sean, watching the WORLD CUP! Apparently, the Mexico/Iran game was great (Mexico won, and the goalie on Iran's team brought flowers for Mexico's goalie, whose father just passed away. I thought that was just lovely.) as was the Germany/Costa Rico game. And Ecuador won on Friday, so our friend Linda, who's Ecuadorian, was thrilled! There are more games through the week, but the U.S. plays tomorrow, which is terribly exciting. I'm going to try to listen to it at work, and Trevor--who's going to be on his way to Atlanta to see Home Depot--will try to catch it in the airport bar. Let's hope they kick some Czech rear end.
We're also having a fundraising party next Saturday for the walk I'm doing for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. So far I've met 25% of my goal (thanks to Aunt Carol, Shannon O., and a special thanks to mom and dad!!), and hopefully the party will inch that goal upwards. I went to Target this morning after dropping Trevor off at Sean's house, and picked up a few party supplies. I've got to figure out the bbq menu, as well. I love throwing parties!
Well, that's about all we had going on this weekend. Trevor went to a party Saturday night at his friend Brian's house, but I was an old lady and fell asleep watching television. I'm knitting a choker for my co-worker, Roxanna, so I'm going to sign off to finish that. Until next time, true believers, this is Bork-Power, signing off.
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