And it was sooo cool. Yesterday, I went to the eye doctor and they gave me a retinal imaging test to be sent to Johns Hopkins for review to make sure my eyes are free of anything suspicious. After they dilated my eyes (by the end of the day, one was back to normal but the other was still dilated. Up close, I looked like a confused drug addict), they took a bunch of pictures of my eyes. When they were through, the technician showed me the images that would be sent over to JH, and they were so awesome and weird! There were about eight images of the insides of my eyeballs, white with blue veins, and a little cornea circle. I feel like I now am very familiar with my eyeballs, and it makes me so happy! I left feeling content, but I forgot to ask the technician if I could have my own copies of the images. I doubt they'd have let me anyway...
So instead, here's a picture I took on my Wednesday commute home from MCC. The sun was shining and I was stopped in the traffic leading up to the O'Hare toll. My pocket monster key chain looked so cute in his shadow, so I snapped his photo.

Thursday night Trevor, his boss Susan and co-worker Dan, and I went to the opening of Art Chicago at the Merchandise Mart. We wandered around, saw some really good art (my new favorite, Armando Romero), some really bad art, and some really, really expensive art. We also ate popcorn and drank Grolsch beer from giant bottles. We ran into a few people we knew, and then met the Segars later in the evening for food at Bijon. By the end of the night, I could barely keep my eyes open from exhaustion, but the good kind of exhaustion.