This past weekend was loaded with good stuff. Trevor turned TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD on Saturday (yes, he's still younger than me, but our green grocery store gal said that I looked younger! [though Trevor claims it's because of his facial hair, and he might have a point, since he drops about 12 years without that beard.]). He and his friend Sarah drove up to Shoreline Motors to pick up the new bike. The weather was crummy, but they made it back okay, and Trevor didn't end up going in to work, which was nice. Here's Trevor on the new bike, and Henry looking a little suspicious of the situation.

Saturday night we met some of the gang out at our local hitching post to celebrate the birthday boy. We had a great time and closed the bar, though this is the only picture I took, at the end of the night when just Trevor, Daniel D. and I were leftover.

Sunday we watched Man United beat the boogers out of those stinky Arsenal Gunners. Wheeeeheee! And Chelsea tied with Wigan, so we're ahead of them by (I think) five points. Good news.
This week, so far, hasn't lived up to our expectations. It's not been awful, or anything, but last night's first kickball game of the spring season was cancelled because of poor field conditions. Bummer. And today was supposed to be my rescheduled tattoo appointment--my tattoo artist was sick last week, so cancelled on me after four weeks of waiting. No worries, though, because we were on for this afternoon; however, when I went in after class today (classes went well!), the sketch he showed me for the work was all--all--wrong. He said it was the best he'd been able to come up with, but he really missed the mark and misinterpreted what I'd asked for. No harm, no foul, and he recommended Jason Vaughn, who I'm terribly excited about and think will do a much better job than my original artist. Also, Hannah Aitchison of L.A. Ink fame was in the shop! I walked in and she was sitting at her station packing things up. I gave her a great big smile, because through the show I feel like we're buddies (she seems like such a sweet lady!). She smiled back, of course, but looked a little suspicious. She's so neat, and I wish she'd come back to Chicago. Anyway, I can get excited again about my tattoo, but I've got to wait until mid-June. Though third time's the charm, right? And I've got a good feeling about this one.
Henry and I hung out and took a nice-weather walk when I got home today, which was just as nice as getting a new tattoo. And Trevor has been loving the new bike, taking it around the town Sunday and yesterday, and to work today. He's feeling confident enough on it to have told me last night that I should get a helmet pretty soon! Yahoo!
Enjoy the weather, all!
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