First, here are my second two classes on their last day of school a few weeks ago. Please notice my absolute favorite student, Arturo, in his Manchester United jersey. He thought it would get him extra credit to wear it, but he's an "A" student anyway, so it only gave him the status of being my absolute favorite student.

They look so happy, don't they? Ahhhh. I start summer school on June 9th, so I still have another week to finish my syllabi, catch up on reading for class, and hang out with Trevor, Henry, Grandma, and anyone else I can squeeze in.
Last weekend Trevor and I went to Madison to visit Kate and Gil. We had a great time dog-parking, Rumikube-ing (it's a game Kate taught us and one I never seemed to win, but was certainly fun to play), and grilling.

Trevor and I started listening to "Live and Let Die," the second James Bond novel by Ian Fleming, which was so much fun. It was full of sharks (not my favorite thing and this was just another narrative that reinforced my unwillingness to go into any body of water other than a park district swimming pool) and excellent villains with great names. We pulled onto our street on Monday night with only an hour left to go in the story, so we finished it while eating dinner at home. The whole weekend was a success, and all of the Gil playing wore Henry down to the bone. He slept alllll day on Tuesday, only popping his head out of his crate to eat dinner and give a couple of lackluster licks.
I drove up to the Prime Outlet mall in Kenosha to meet Kate and Keenan, who drove down from Milwaukee (Kate did most of the driving...) for our biannual meet-n-shop. I got some lovely summer work clothes for me, some unmentionables for Trevor (with little motorcycles on them!), and some snapshots of the cuter-than-cute Keenan.

Now, his sister, Ella, is fabulously cute, but Keenan seems to be just as much of a doll in a boy kind of way. He slept the entire time Kate and I shopped and only woke because Kate needed to feed him. He looks just like his dad, and Ella looks just like Kate, so they've pretty much conquered the beautiful family.
Today is laundry day, and Henry decided to help me this morning. He helped me sort this pile, and wasn't at all dissuaded when the clothes started to pile up on him...

Well, there's laundry to fold and reading to be done, so more to come later!
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