It's a beautiful, warm day and it's perfect for dressing up like a monster, princess, hobo, or presidential candidate and wreaking havoc across the city. And by wreaking havoc I mean running around, looking for candy to eat until we can run no more.
We're meeting Dan and Mona at Archie's for some drinks before going to Bull eh Dias for a costume party. Simona's working and will apparently be dressed as a '20's flapper, Dan's going to be the Dow Jones, Mona's going to be Universal Healthcare, Trevor will take on a modern-day Groucho Marx (using the nose featured below), and I'm going to be a jack-o-lantern. Fun will be had by all, and hopefully a lot of candy will be consumed.

Tomorrow night we're going to hang out with Trevor's uncle Mark, who's coming to the States from Amsterdam for the first Halloween in years. Tomorrow is also Greg's birthday and he's having dinner and beers with friends, so I'm hoping to fit that into the mix as well.
In less pleasant news, Tuesday morning, about 2 a.m., the water heater in the unit above ours split open and flooded our next-door neighbor Sarah's place. We got water leaking through half of our closet ceiling and some bubbling in the bathroom wall, however it's apparently 'ignorable,' said Trevor, compared to Sarah's damage next door. He said that there was literally water pouring through the ceiling, walls, and light fixtures. His glasses fogged up when he walked into her place, and his shoes were getting wet as he stood there talking to her. And of course, she took it all in stride because she's fantastic. Thankfully this time it wasn't my fault! The girl upstairs, though, is out of the country (in Mexico) until Sunday at midnight. She's already submitted a claim to her insurance company (thankfully she has insurance), so we've got to figure out how and when to fix it. Yahoo.
Rather than leave such a fun holiday on such a craptastic note, here's a wonderful shot of Trevor's costume for tonight (while I was writing, he came in dressed up and let me snap a shot). Happy All Hallo's Eve!

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