I cashed in my "One Free Computer" birthday coupon from Trevor this afternoon. We braved the Black Friday crowds--and they were intimidating, indeed--to go to the Michigan Avenue Mac store. It was crowded, but since we knew what we wanted, we were in and out in fifteen minutes. We stopped to get ingredients for the green bean casserole I'm bringing to the Power's post-Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, then came back home for sandwiches and new-computer hijinx.
The photo above is our family portrait as taken on my new computer.
Did I mention that today I got a new computer? It's all very exciting.
Tonight we're staying in and enjoying a lazy couch-fest with a movie (and, if I can convince Trevor [he's not hard to convince], Thai or sushi from Butterfly for dinner). I ordered two pies from our local grocery spot, though I neglected to find venues for them. So Trevor and I will be consuming two pies (one apple, one pear-cranberry, both with oatmeal struesal topping) over the next couple of days. We've already started in on the pear-cranberry, and it's delicious so far. It won't be long until we conquer them both. We might not be able to get off the couch for a little while, but that's okay. Pie is worth it. Yum!
We spent yesterday's Thanksgiving afternoon and early evening with the family at the Bux Estate in Huntley. We got some excellent news: my cousin Michael got engaged! His girlfriend, Sheena, is pretty fabulous (she's got a Masters in Political Science and likes horror movies. She's impossible not to like), and she and one of her brothers were at the festivities last night. We got to meet her and Michael's puppy, Presley, too. She's was pretty adorable, though it's curious why we're the only couple with a normal sized dog in the family. Yes, everyone, that's what I said. Our dog is normal sized. Your dogs are tiny little shrimps.
Tomorrow we got to the Power's for a fabulous extended Thanksgiving celebration. I'm bringing a green bean au gratin, and Sean and Angi are picking us up in their Toyota loaner (which will hopefully get the dealership on the ball to get them their real car). Sunday Trevor finally has to go to work, and I've got to grade some papers. Monday morning I get the news about this student grade appeal hearing I had last Friday, so I'll let you know about that. Hopefully logic (me) will overcome entitlement and laziness (not me). Can you tell that it's the end of the semester and I'm a little sick of students right now? It is. And I am.
We're over and out for now; it's off to sushi and pie (not together), and a night on the couch under an afghan. This is the life!
Happy Thanksgiving, all. Love, T. and L. Power and H. Bork
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