Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's Officially Summer

Summer School ended Thursday, and although my students are turning in their final stories next Tuesday, we're finished with class. Here they are!

They were a small group, but a great group. We're missing one student who's in Door County for the week (we're heading up there ourselves Labor Day!), but I told her I'd photoshop her face in there.

Last weekend I went to the Cubs/Reds game with my friend Angie and her parents who were in town visiting from Ohio. We ate hotdogs, nachos, and drank beer. It was great.

And that's about it. I finished a few books this week--one that I really enjoyed (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and one that was mediocre but that I got for free from Goodreads and took me less than 24 hours to read (Fear the Worst). Last night I finally finished a book that I'd started months ago (Things I Learned From Women Who've Dumped Me) and was really only worth reading because of the Stephen Colbert, Larry Wilmore, and Tom McCarthy entries. But that's only three out of forty-six, which probably tells you something. So today I have to figure out what to start reading for my three weeks of "summer vacation" (which will actually be filled with meetings and fall semester prep). I have stacks of books to choose from, so I'll let you know what I decide.

Yesterday I spent part of the afternoon sunning myself on our roof deck, but today is pretty cloudy, am I'm considering going to see a horror movie that T won't possibly be interested in. He's at work, so I can get away with such things. The tip that it was a little too windy for me to sit outside on the 7th floor was this:

This tent landed in the parking lot from, I'm assuming, one of the private roof decks. Unless it fell from the heavens...I'm just glad that it didn't land on our car. No one has come to retrieve it, so they might not be aware that it escaped. Hopefully they realize before it starts raining or before the car it's blocking needs to run errands.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far. Tomorrow we're going to visit the new Bux baby, so I'll have lots of pictures for you all!

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