November is National Novel Writing Month, and one of the students in Writer's Block, our new creative writing club at school, suggested that we participate as a group. We thought it was a terrific idea, but that also means that now we each have to write a novel. I'm not so much worried about the rest of them; these young student are excited and can be motivated about things other than school work. But I--ME--also have to write a novel this month. And it's different than the 3-Day Novel Contest I took part in a couple of times oh-so many years ago. This one is actually, sort of, do-able. The timer started at midnight last night, or today, the 1st of November. By November 30, we each have to write 50,000 words of a novel. Yikes. So, rather than get started doing that tonight I did an awesome MLA format crash-course PowerPoint for my Comp 1 class tomorrow. Yes, that's correct: I procrastinated writing my novel with school work. Double-yikes. But I think I'm going to get it started tonight. I'm also going to take my computer to school tomorrow to see if that helps me work on the train in to campus. We'll see how this goes.
In non novel-related news, we had the New City Borks over for a ghoulish Halloween dinner last night. There was little ghoulish about it, though. I made Walnut Gruyere and Spinach Lasagne and a chocolate cake. I wrote "Boo!" on the cake with icing. But that was as scary as we got. Dan, Simona, and Maya, however, got all hot-dogged up for the holiday! Check them out:

Well that's about it. I should close out now to try to start my novel. I guess. I should go. Now. N.o.w. Right. Now. bye.
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