Trevor has discovered that his doppelgänger heads up a band called Wolcott. We haven't heard them, but I think they're from Indiana and according to their Facebook page, their genre is "stadium rock." Seriously. Their website shows that they have a bunch of Chicago shows this month and next at Elbo Room, Martyrs', and Goose Island, and I'm pretty sure that we're going to have to go see them play. Like, absolutely. My goal is to get a picture with Trevor and his evil, musical twin. And of course it will be posted here.
So the car news is that we might have to get a new one. I got a call from the insurance adjustor at the repair shop where poor Harvey has been locked up since last Saturday. Rich the Adjustor (a very nice fellow) told us that the repairs for old Harv might be more than he's actually worth, constituting a "total loss" on the vehicle. Meaning that they won't repair it, but will cut us a check for the difference in what the car's worth and what we still owe. Luckily, the car's worth is more--a little bit more--than what we still owe (according to some savvy investigation on the Kelly Blue Book's website), so we won't have to pay out any money.
Trevor and I have been looking at cars for the past three days to find a suitable replacement: something with four-wheel drive, good fuel economy, good wallet economy, and a not-too-large frame. Our garage isn't that big, and it'd be silly for two regularly sized humans and their regularly sized dog to get a car with seating and storage for 7. Although it would be pretty bad-ass to get an Escalade or something stupid like that. I'd invest in pretty huge spinners and maybe tinted windows. And then I would realize that I'm not a Real Housewife of Atlanta and I don't have a sugar daddy. Too bad.
We're looking at a Suzuki and a Subaru, and will hopefully test drive them both this week sometime to make a decision. We'll hear a for-sure answer about Harvey's fate on Monday, so then we'll be able to move forward--or not--with a new car. I tried to talk Trevor into the Dodge Challenger, but he was like, "No," and I was like, "Come ooonnnn, it's the coolest," and he was like "No," and I was like, "But Henry and I would look sooo good driving it around town!" and he was still like, "Not a chance." Pashaw.
Today I'm going to do some winter cleaning of my desk area. It's a bit of a mess, and today will be the day to de-clutter. I'll take some before and after pictures for you so you can see my sure-to-be awesome progress. Hold on to your hats.
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