Monday, February 21, 2011

New Kitchen, Part One

There will probably be many more parts to this new kitchen as it's completed slowly over the next months, but here's installment number one: the new appliances!

Trevor had to deal with the two fellows who installed them all--they were here for about three hours and managed to chip four of our counter tiles (luckily we got the appliances before the new counters and cabinets), lose the electricity to one wall, and have no idea how to get it back on. T. eventually realized the magical "reset" button on the outlet behind the toaster oven. He's pretty smart. And thankfully he used his noodle to figure it out before the installers had completely dismantled the fuse box. They'd gotten to the face plate and were about to start...god knows what. Snipping wires?

The microwave is hiding under the kitchen table (and when the guy set the dolly down on the floor, he set it on a floor lamp and almost broke it. truth be told, he sounds like kind of a disaster), and we'll put that in above the stove once the cabinets are fresh and new. For now, it stays in the box.

Oh, did you notice that we have two ovens? Yes, we do! We have a mini pizza-perfect oven and a second, larger oven for, well, I guess much larger pizzas.

1 comment:

Jeanette Nyberg said...

Here are some things about your kitchen: I noticed you were both eating big salads, which is great, except there were two beers in the photo, too. I'm not sure that's very healthy. Another thing is that you actually have three ovens, because of the toaster oven on your counter. So ha ha on your head. Also, I want to see the new cabinets. Where are they and when will they be there?