Well, this week we've done our best to finish unpacking all of the loot we got over Christmas, although I've still got two bags in the closet that I'll tackle tomorrow. We're going to spend the New Year's Eve weekend with Trevor's step-dad, Jim, and Trevor's grandparents up in Door County. We're leaving tomorrow (he's got the afternoon off and I'll pick him up--right after I stop at Loopy Yarns for their 70% off sale!--and we'll be off!).
I spent the afternoon today with my friend Kate and her new baby, Ella. Ella was a little boogery, but she was still a giggly little bundle and it was really fun to meet her. I made her a hat that was too big for her little baby head, and Kate will send me pictures of her wearing it as soon as their computer is fixed!
(quick digression: "Snakes on a Plane" is coming to DVD soon. I'll be renting that.)
Speaking of renting movies, Trevor and I watched a waste-of-time movie starring our favorite t.v. sitcom actor, Zach Braff, called "The Last Kiss." It was a total dud, but it took place in Madison, so they had a scene on the Terrace, which was exciting. Before that, though, I watched "The Descent" which is a fabulous horror movie. I think even Trevor would like it. He came home in time to watch the "making of" portion of the DVD (called, appropriately, "Beneath the Scenes" [it's a movie about caving in the Appalachian Mountains]) and found it interesting. I might rent it again so he can watch it as well.
Well, I'm off to finish a scarf for our friend Simona. See you all in the new year!