It's a pre-Christmas post! Trevor and I will be doing a lot of traveling during the holiday season, but luckily it's all in Illinois and Wisconsin, which isn't too bad. We're spending the eve before Christmas Eve with the Power clan out in Yorkville, where we will be exchanging gifts and hopefully playing some games. Then Christmas Eve to the Bosco's for some Secret Santa action, and to the Bork's for Christmas Day, and then to the Madel's for some dessert! A few days later, we're going up to Door County to visit Jim, see the Madels again, and do some holiday decompressing. I'm currently filling my days this week Christmas shopping, visiting friends for lunch and dinner (I was back to Navy Pier this afternoon for the first time in nearly six months--the theater's changed a little, but my feelings about making the career change were sure solidified...) and I'm also doing a bushel full of knitting. I took a photo of my first really successful hat (which I turned into a Christmas present for my friend Roxanna) and I'll post it soon.
The picture above is the finished wardrobe in our bedroom. Although it's containing most of our stuff, Henry has miraculously managed to eat--in the past five days--one remote control, one throw pillow, and one regular pillow. Needless to say, he no longer has free reign of the bedroom, and until he learns to curb his appetite of non-tasty items (reading glasses, yarn, plastic...) he'll be crated while we're out of the house. Trevor seems to think Martin instigates the incidents. I, however, believe he's just a ruiner like his meowing brother.
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