Well things are popping all over the place!
Trevor sold two big paintings this week, which is very exciting. Work is keeping him nice and busy, but not too busy. I got a call this morning from my department chair at McHenry County College offering me a literature class in the fall, which of course I snapped up! It's English literature up to the 18th century, so I'll have to quickly (very quickly) familiarize myself with Beowolf, Chaucer, and Shakespeare (though that won't be altogether too hard...) before August 21st. I'm thrilled to take on this challenge, and as long as I don't think about how much work it will be, I'll continue to be thrilled! Right now I'm avoiding the pile of portfolios and final papers from the summer's two classes, but I'll tackle that tomorrow morning...or Sunday afternoon...or Sunday evening...hmmmmmmmm.
Trevor, Sean, and Dan Segar have been nerding out over their video game systems and "Gears of War," which they can play on-line together and talk to each other over little headsets. Angi and I find this to be hi-larious and exemplifies what we love about our Power fellas, and I'm sure what Simona loves about Daniel. Nerds.
The wedding planning is coming together and things still need to be done, so Trevor and I are busy making lists and lists, and more lists. We do enjoy our lists. We're planning a trip to Door County next weekend, and Sean and Angi Power--the newlyweds--will be going, too, along with Neill and Fran, and Rachel and Letty (whoohoo!), so we're anticipating a wonderful time full of sun, drinks, more sun, and napping.
For now, Henry and I will go for a walk, perhaps to the video store to rent "Hot Fuzz," which can only aide in my portfolio grading. Seriously. Really, seriously. (HA!)
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