Hello, all! We've had a whirlwind of activity the past week, and we're not about to stop. It's been mostly work-related: the theater started student shows yesterday (of Macbeth), which means 1,000 kids come in and out over a five hour period, and I'm trying to smile and say hi to all of them. No wonder my cheeks hurt. It's a little crazy and I have another 3 months of it to look forward to! Trevor is getting ready to head back down to Atlanta after the weekend to show the Home Depot folks what a REAL photography studio can do. And tonight we're going to my cousin Michael's birthday party, then on to my friend Tim's rock show. A BIG rock show.
Then, the show has its public opening tomorrow, so Trevor and I are going to that. I have to greet some students before the show, so he can see me in action before we hunker down for some serious blood and guts in the Scottish Play.
And Henry is still Henry-ing it up! I'm telling him all about the science I'm learning in my new book, The Physics of Superheroes. It's a pretty awesome book, although when I excitedly told Trevor that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, he already knew it. So, I didn't WOW him as much as I would have liked. Also, he already knows cool information about superheroes, so the stuff I'm trying to tell him about The Flash, he's not impressed by, either. I'm going to have to find something he doesn't know about to wow him with. I wonder if he knows anything about underwater basket weaving...more on that later.
Well, folks, that's all for now. We'll be back with some new news soon!
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