The week flew by--as usual--and the weekend is upon us. Again! I'm off to work this morning and Trevor and Henry are going to hang around and do guy things, like go to the dog park, watch t.v., take a nap, read a book (we're teaching Henry to read. It's a process)... Wait, I like those things, too. I'm going to have to SERIOUSLY reevaluate this whole working on Saturday thing.
I would like to dedicate this blog entry to my friend, Lisa, who braved one of the bloodiest horror movies made in the past few years like a trooper. Lisa, her boyfriend Josh, their friend Ben and I saw Hostel on Thursday night. And my GOD it was fabulous! It's the second film from Eli Roth, a young writer/director who is so obviously smitten with the horror genre that you can't help but love what he's doing (even if some of the post-collegiate male banter referencing homosexuals [insert offensive slang term here] and "railing" ladies should have been cut from the script). It was truly the most original horror film I've seen in years--terrific character development and a great story. And Lisa sat through the whole thing like a trooper! Only jumping into Josh's lap a couple of times, and watching the bloodiest scenes through her fingers (probably thanking god all the while that she still had fingers to look through, unlike some of the poor saps in the film...).
We're going to have dinner tonight with our friends, the Sturdy Voogds (John Sturdy, Jessica Voogd) before heading up to Rogers Park to watch some stand-up comedy--their friend has a show and apparently the Onion and the Reader are reviewing, so we'll want to laugh a lot, and avoiding booing and hissing at all costs (remember that awful red-haired woman on Seinfeld who booed Jerry on stage, then, after Jerry returned the favor at her workplace, got upset, ran into the street, and a taxi [or was it a city bus?] drove over and severed her pinkie toe? Talk about horror!) So we'll be sure to stick to laughing, as long as they're funny.
Until next time, True Believers! I'll try to explain thermodynamics based on my physics book. Yeah, right. Wish me luck with that. HA!
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